The 10 Basics of Blogging SEO

1. Write to be read.

The first point would have to be to remember that you are writing for people, not robots. There is no point in attracting visitors if your content has become garbled and unreadable in an attempt to keep search engines happy.

2. Shareable headlines.

Search engines are influenced by the number of times an article is shared, so concentrate on titles that grab people’s attention and get the message across. Relevant humour increases the likelihood of an article being passed on.

3. Short is sweet.

When your headline goes over 65 characters it gets mangled in search engine results. Front load your titles with keywords for maximum effect.

4. Internal links.

If you attract a reader with one post, keep them with internal links and anchor text to similar content. Search engines put most relevance on the first instance so if you are repeating the link make sure the initial one is fully optimised.

5. Mobile friendly.

If your blog is not mobile friendly you will be de-prioritised by Google, as up to fifteen percent of searches are now being generated from mobile devices.

6. Image Tags.

Make use of the ‘alt’ tags for your images, an ideal place for including keywords. In WordPress the option appears as ‘Alternate Text.’

7. Long-tail keywords.

As the amount of content on the internet grows, so users are becoming more specific with their searches, with phrases and sentences replacing individual words. Google has changed its algorithms to react better to conversational questions as a result, so think key phrases rather than just words.

8. Research key terms and keywords

When deciding on a topic to write about it makes sense to research what the most common search terms related to that subject are and then build the title and the article around them. Simply using auto-complete in Google will come up with a few.

9. Avoid this, that, they, etc.

When you have finished your post, review it and replace any vague references with the keyword itself. This not only improves the SEO but the quality of the writing as well.

10. Sub Headings.

These are just as important as the main heading; search engines do not read every word of your post but concentrate on certain areas, which include all the headings, alt text and anchor text. Remember point one though, and make sure they are relevant and reader friendly.

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